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Dr. 丽莎玛丽诺里斯

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

UAFS empowers the social mobility of its students and the economic growth of the River Valley through exceptional educational opportunities and robust community partnerships. 

Our focus is on teaching and 学习. UAFS faculty has clear expectations for student 学习. Every academic program specifies university 学习 结果 and program 学习 结果 that are measured to determine ways in which to improve student 学习. Findings based on assessment 结果 are used in curriculum improvement, planning, and resource allocation.

Student Learning Vision

  • Graduates who possess and can demonstrate the university 学习 (general education) 能力 and the 学习 结果 for their academic 项目.
  • An academic community that is passionate about student 学习 and knowledgeable about the processes that are in place to ensure 学习 结果.
  • Faculty who examine and persistently discuss which styles, strategies, experiences, and tasks are best for improving 学习 in a diversity of students.
  • Students who share the responsibility for and demand active engagement in their own 学习 from the moment they step onto the UAFS campus.
  • Real connections between classroom 学习 and the workplace that result in program-specific, real-world experiences that effectively prepare students for the world beyond academics.
  • Graduates who embrace change, welcome diversity, and are engaged enthusiastically in lifelong 学习 and who have the ability and desire to transfer those skills to the workplace and community.
  • High-quality 项目 with national reputations that draw students from all over the 美国.
  • Faculty, staff, and students who are equal, active partners involved in the 学习 process and who share responsibility in achieving student competency.

The academic 项目 plan their assessment activities each year and then report their 结果. The milestone for submitting assessment plans for the year is October 1. The milestone for submitting assessment reports for the year is 4月1日 for PLO reports and 5月1日 for ULO reports.

The Committee for Assessment of Learning Outcomes-Academic (CALO-A) receives the PLO reports, reviews them using a standard 标题, and provides feedback to the academic 项目. The CALO-A co-chairs review the ULO reports and give feedback using a shared 标题. ULO assessments and improvements guide student 学习 in general education 能力.

The CALO co-chairs write a report summarizing the ULO assessment data and submit it to the Provost by July 1. The Five-Year Report Chart lists the annual timeline for assessment and CALO-A report preparation. The report contains explanations of the 后:

  • Assessment data and analyzed results from half of a program’s PLOs
  • Assessment data and analyzed results from the shared ULO for that year
  • Challenges that lead to plan modifications, which would serve as examples to others



Four Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) Goals

秋天 & 早春 Program faculty develop and submit Assessment Plans. Program faculty members conduct assessments, collect and evaluate data, and begin draft of PLO annual report.
3月 Program faculty members begin to complete the assessment report.
4月1日 Assessment report is complete and submitted for CALO review
4月1 - 15 CALO members review the assessment report using the PLO Review 标题. 建议 for improvement and comments are posted to the PLO report by 4月1日5 to allow time 修改.
4月15 - 30 Program faculty members make appropriate revisions to the report for final review CALO成员.
5月1日 Deadline for submitting revised reports to CALO.
5月15日 The CALO annual summary report of assessment activities is prepared for the Provost 和院长. Any program not meeting the standards will be made aware of this designation 院长.
9月. 15 Program faculty members make necessary revisions (as suggested in the assessment report) to their PLO plan and submit for review by CALO-A co-chairs.

* Year 5: Summarize the results for each PLO goal. Specifically describe how the assessment results were used to improve student 学习 in your program. Using this data, determine the PLO assessment for the PLO 5.0周期.