

The 菲律宾十大网赌网站 注册商's Office will evaluate all transfer credit after receiving a completed application for admission and official transcripts. 如果您有任何问题,请菲律宾十大网赌网站的办公室,电话是 479-788-7230 或电邮至 transfer@kriptovilag.net


Transfer credit will be officially evaluated after a completed Application for Admission 最终的官方成绩单已经收到.

转学分将根据 阿肯色州课程转学系统. ACTS contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public 大专院校. 你被保证转让适用的学分和 the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and degree 需求. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS “没有可比课程”.”

转学分需经过两个阶段的评估过程. 首先是书记官长 Office will complete an initial 评价 of the transfer credit for the institution. Second, the department responsible for the course will evaluate the transfer credits 满足学位课程的要求. 发现学分一般有资格 转学不一定适用于特定的学位课程.

你应该 be prepared to submit a course syllabus in case a course(s) require further 评价.


  • 未取得C或C以上成绩的课程. (见 本科目录 为例外.)
  • Some remedial coursework; placement testing may be required.
  • Credit waived by an institution by test scores or credit earned by institutional exam.
  • 非地区认可的机构. 国家认证一般是 不接受.

在其他院校取得的成绩 are not calculated in the student’s GPA earned 在大学里. 大学 within the university will review grades for admission into specific programs. 在其他院校取得的成绩 are 用于大学毕业荣誉的计算.

When a course is taken at another institution and is repeated, whether at the other institution or UAFS, the highest grade is included for graduation purposes. In either case the grade received at UAFS is included in the student’s GPA.

The maximum number of hours transferable to a baccalaureate degree is 68 semester 较低水平(1000-2000)课程的学时. 唯一的例外是单身汉 of Applied Science and Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership; contact the 两个项目的部门主管询问更多信息. 上分区的数目 可转移的课程将因学院和项目而异. 转账学分已寄出 在获得它的水平上. 

The Roger Phillips Transfer Policy Act of 2009 provides for the seamless transfer of lower-level credits for those students who have completed an Associate of Arts (A.A.),教学副学士(文学学士).A.T.),或理学副学士(理学学士).S.) at an Arkansas public institution of higher education and transfer to a baccalaureate 四年制大学的学位课程. 因此,UAFS将招收大三学生 成绩为A的学生.A., A.A.T., or A.S. 额外的低级 general education courses cannot be required for a transfer student with a completed A.A., A.S., or A.T. 除非课程符合下列例外情况之一:

  1. 这门课程是学生专业的必修课.
  2. The course(s) is a prerequisite for a course required of the student’s major.
  3. The course(s) is required by an accrediting and/or licensure body.
  4. 这个学生在转学课程中得了D或F的成绩.

1989年第98号州最低核心法案 requires each institution of higher learning in Arkansas to identify a minimum core of general education courses that shall be fully transferable between state-supported 机构. The required 35 hours of credit will transfer and apply toward the degree.

The 转学分指南allows you to see which courses could transfer from other 机构 to UAFS. It is intended only to provide you with an 评价 tool to review potential transfer 信用的,并不表示正式的信用转移. 显示的信息 in the platform is subject to revision, without prior notice, as a result of changes 在UAFS或原机构的课程.

The official 评价 of transfer credit occurs only when the student applies for 进入UAFS . You must have a completed application on file and submit official 成绩单(s) all 参加学校正式课程评估. 获取有关课程的信息 未列出,联系方式 Transfer@kriptovilag.net.

The 转学分指南 is not a complete list of all transferable coursework. 
该指南随着新课程的复习而不断更新. 不过,请注意这一点 a course transfers, it may not apply toward degree 需求 for your major. 需求 will be determined by the college that manages your degree and major.



  • UAFS学时是学分的学期单位.
  • 只有成绩达到C或C以上的课程才能转学.
  • “UAFS” as the course subject indicates UAFS does not have an equivalent subject.
  • “XXX” in a course number indicates the course is not equivalent to a UAFS course or requires further 评价 by the college under which the course falls. 你应该 work with your advisor to determine if it can be used to substitute for courses in 你的学位.
  • “GEN” within a course number indicates that, although there is not a UAFS equivalent, the course may be applied toward a general education core requirement. 以下 课程名称后将指定区域:
    • 英文/通讯
    • 美术
    • HG =美国历史/政府
    • 人文学科
    • LS =实验室科学
    • SP =言语
    • 社会科学学时
To use the 转学分指南, first select the state in which your institution 原来的机构的位置和名称. 然后我们会提供给你 with a chart that provides the title of the course from your originating institution 以及UAFS的同等课程. 然后你必须选择你获得的成绩 the course by clicking on the "None" option under the grade box and selecting "Add 我的清单." Once you have selected all courses, select the "View My List" option to see the number of credit hours that will potentially transfer to the UAFS.

The 转学分指南 is an unofficial tool and should be used in consultation 和你的学术顾问.



The 转学分指南 allows you to see which courses could transfer from other 机构 to UAFS. It is intended only to provide you with an 评价 tool to review potential transfer 信用的,并不表示正式的信用转移. 显示的信息 in the platform is subject to revision, without prior notice, as a result of changes 在UAFS或原机构的课程.

The official 评价 of transfer credit occurs only when the student applies for 进入UAFS . You must have a completed application on file and submit official 成绩单(s) all 参加学校正式课程评估. 获取有关课程的信息 未列出,联系方式 Transfer@kriptovilag.net.

The 转学分指南 is not a complete list of all transferable coursework. 该指南随着新课程的复习而不断更新. 不过,请注意这一点 a course transfers, it may not apply toward degree 需求 for your major. 需求 will be determined by the college that manages your degree and major.

To use the 转学分指南, first select the state in which your institution 原来的机构的位置和名称. 然后我们会提供给你 with a chart that provides the title of the course from your originating institution 以及UAFS的同等课程. 然后你必须选择你获得的成绩 the course by clicking on the "None" option under the grade box and selecting "Add 我的清单." Once you have selected all courses, select the "View My List" option to see the number of credit hours that will potentially transfer to the UAFS.

The 转学分指南 is an unofficial tool and should be used in consultation 和你的学术顾问.

  • UAFS学时是学分的学期单位.
  • 只有成绩达到C或C以上的课程才能转学.
  • “UAFS” as the course subject indicates UAFS does not have an equivalent subject.
  • “XXX” in a course number indicates the course is not equivalent to a UAFS course or requires further 评价 by the college under which the course falls. 你应该 work with your advisor to determine if it can be used to substitute for courses in 你的学位.
  • “GEN” within a course number indicates that, although there is not a UAFS equivalent, the course may be applied toward a general education core requirement. 以下 课程名称后将指定区域:
    • 英文/通讯
    • 美术
    • HG =美国历史/政府
    • 人文学科
    • LS =实验室科学
    • SP =言语
    • 社会科学学时


Military credit will be evaluated by the individual college of your major. 你的顾问 will determine if military credits will apply toward your degree and submit appropriate 课程替换(年代). 积分在最终批准后公布. 信用将被评估 as general transfer hours and limited credit will apply for academic course credit. 你最多可以获得30个学分.

Military transcripts for active duty personnel and veterans of the Army, Coast Guard, 海军陆战队和海军可以通过 联合服务记录(JST).

Transcripts for active duty personnel and veterans of the Air Force can be obtained 通过 空军菲律宾十大网赌网站学院.


Students seeking to transfer credit from a foreign institution must submit a credential 类成员的服务进行评估 全国证书评估服务协会(NACES).

A credential 评价 service is to used verify the authenticity of credits and 用于将学分单位转换为学期学分当量. 该服务提供 course titles but not course descriptions which are required for courses to be evaluated. Therefore, in addition to requesting a report from a transcript credential service, course descriptions in English must be provided for credits to be evaluated.